Forced Punch In/Out

How to Force Punch: Out

Select “User Management” Select “Force Punch In /Out”
Forced Punch In-out-1

Select the “Employee” name, Change the “Date” of the specific date you are looking for, select “Run”
Forced Punch In-out-2



Select the pencil icon

Forced Punch In-out-3






Edit the “Clock Out Time” to correct time the employee left, Select “Update” when finished

Forced Punch In-out-7







How to Punch Clock: In

Select the pencil icon

Forced Punch In-out-4






Adjust the “Clock In Time” on the time that the employee came to work, Select “Update”

Forced Punch In-out-6






As shown: Changed “Clock In” and “Clock Out” time

Forced Punch In-out-7