Menu Layout for Online Ordering
Menu Layout for Online Ordering Introduction: This document explains the new menu layout implemented for the OLO. Requirement: A setting to configure the menu layout should be provided in the online order admin page. Implementation in OLO: Page Navigation: Online order store Admin page >> Account settings – A new field “Menu layout” should be […]
Submitting Batch/Batch Report
1. Make sure all the close out procedures are complete before being able to submit batch. You will need to submit batch before being able to run a batch report. 2. From the main terminal screen, select ‘Operation’, then select ‘Batch/Tip Adjustment’ (located in left column) & now select ‘Submit Batch’, located in the bottom […]
User Roles
Credit Card Tips Report Guide
Open internet browser & go to Enter &/or make sure credentials are correct then use mouse to left click on blue circle check mark. 3. Click on Reports in the left column. 4. Select Sale in the drop down column after selecting Reports. 5. Click on the Cashier Out tab on the top blue […]
Splitting Ticket-Split Check
After selecting the ticket to split check. Select the grey/black split arrow button, located in the lower left area of the screen next to ‘Total’ & ‘Paid Amount’. Select ‘SPLIT CHECK’ DO NOT select ‘SPLIT BY SEAT’ Select ‘Add’ in upper right area of screen to create however many ways you want to split the […]
Waitlist & Reservation
How to Enable Waitlist in Back of House: Log in to your back of house (My Store) and go to “Settings”: Define the waitlist by the range of seats and the expected amount of time they will occupy a table, and save: Next, give a reason for the waitlist by clicking “+Wait List Reason”: Enter […]
Merging Checks & Tables
Merging Checks: Select “Merge” Select the table on what checks you want to merge Now select the checks that will be merging. NOTE: Select the check that you want to merge your other checks onto (Ex: Select 0-009 first, then select 0-010) Now Select “Done” Confirmation of merged checks Merging Tables: Select “Merge” Select on […]
Printer Option on Payment Screen
Enabling Printer Button: Go to “Settings”, “Store”, Settings” and enable “Print CC Merchant Copy” and “Print CC Customer Copy” Select “Payment” As Shown: You have the option to reprint the check after a credit card transaction was processed Disabling Printer Button: Go to “Settings”, “Store”, Settings” and disable “Print CC Merchant Copy” and “Print CC […]
Tax Exempt
Creating Tax Exempt reason in BOH: Select “Products/Items” then “Reasons” and “+Tax Exempt Reason” After typing in a reason select “Save” Using Tax Exempt in the FOH: Select “Option” Select “Tax Exempt” Select the Tax-Exempt reason Notice: Tax has been removed